On Sending Joy

Every year before Thanksgiving my amazing sister in law wins the race yet again and we get an adorable holiday card in the mail from her and although I always think next year I’ll get it out faster, I also smile while I get out the tape and pop it on a big empty wall that slowly gets filled with photos, stories, and sweet notes from people I love most. Last year, since we were home all the damn time and missed out on seeing people as much as we hoped, I moved the cards into our stairway, where they still live.

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Katie Anela DeislerComment
Illuminated Roots | 4: A Craft | Anela Deisler Photography

The kids were hungry, the sun was setting and I wanted to do something with them. Partly because I like them and partly because I figured if I gave them attention we might have a more peaceful dinner. So I gave them some muffins, and googled “polish craft”. I was thinking about the beautiful and colorful polish folk art, but then pajaki chandeliers came up and they looked easier :). So I grabbed some pipe cleaners, beads and tissue paper.

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Katie Anela Deisler
Illuminating Roots | Getting Ready | Anela Deisler Photography

I’ve been thinking and studying a lot about identity and diversity. How in the world can I teach my kids to love themselves and also love others? How can I encourage a respectful appreciation, curiosity, and acceptance of the beautiful diversity of humans. Many studies say we need to start with ourselves.

So this December I’m starting a project where my kids will study their grandparents.

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